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How to Win a Woman’s Heart without Money


Love and money

According to a Tanzanian Lady

  • A lovely lady expressed her disappointment at men looking for love as they did not know how to win women over with sweet words
  • She claimed most men are now using money to increase their chances of making the women fall in love with them
  • The Tanzanian woman stated men did not know how to speak lovingly to women and win their hearts but turned to wealth to buy love

A woman has claimed that modern men have dropped the ball in being romantic and winning women. She said most men were no longer romantic and had lost their mojo to woo women with sweet words.

Why men cannot find love

The lady, sharing her opinion during a radio show, expressed her disappointment over men who have turned to money to buy love.

“Some men are not loved because they are not romantic; they know nothing about love. They do not know how to speak well in a kind and loving manner. They do not know how to ask something with love,” she savagely said.

Read also: 8 things women only do when in love

She added other men did not know how to seduce women and had turned to their wealth to get the women they love.

Can money buy love?

The beautiful women claimed men saw women as goods that money could purchase, adding men believed every woman had a price.

“Can money buy someone? I may love you but you need to speak, you need to show that tender lover and care by word of mouth. Many have heavy mouths they do not know how to speak or seduce. They do not know to say, ‘I love you, I desire you, I want you,’ like give you sweet words,” she said.

Read also: Some of the darkest sides of women most men don’t know

Most men, she said, looked at women and saw as though they were desperate for money and all they had were financial problems.

She blasted men, saying material possessions were not genuine love and even taking women shopping was not enough.

Women discouraged from sleeping in deras

As much as she came in hot for men, the lady also gave some women a piece of her mind as she asked wives to ditch sleeping in deras and look for night dresses.

She stated that deras were uncomfortable sleeping in, making it hard for the wives to cuddle with their husbands. The lady advised wives to sleep in night dresses that would spice up their bedroom experiences with their men.

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